Juanita Rey



Eking Out




Because my needs
are so painfully modest,
they leave my dreams
awkward and bewildered.

I pay the rent on time.
The grocery bill does not break me.
“Comformarse” –
that should be the
embroidered sampler
pinned against my wall.
“Make do,” as
my neighbor Sylvia says.
But how do dreams make do?

On the job, I forget
what other jobs I could do.
My friends are just close enough
to leave no way in for others.
My time to myself
doesn’t stretch much beyond sleep.

I could have it a lot worse.
But since when
is that something to look forward to?





The Ringing Phone



As a phone incessantly jangles
my desire refuses to answer –
he is touching and kissing me everywhere –
he holds me so tight
I just can’t be bothered
with the outside world
and its noisy, bothersome, utilities –
so someone wants to speak to me –
but I’m in conversation
with my needs –
there’ll be no interruptions –
and I’m putting my perfume to work –
he has such a thirst for it –
but what if it’s an emergency?
impossible –
my breasts cry out for his mouth,
my thighs for his groin –
emergencies don’t ring,
they moan.







Juanita Rey is Dominican poet who has been in the United States five years. She has worked many jobs while studying to improve her English. She has been writing for a number of years but only recently has begun to take it seriously. She enjoys reading. Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Toni Morrison are particular favorites. Her work has been accepted by 2 River View, Harbinger Asylum, Pennsylvania English, Petrichor Machine and Madcap Poets.