Eva Eliav


my father survived
a burst aneurism

his skin turned gray 

blood clamored in his throat
like birds at dawn

his lover’s presence of mind
and mercy hospital just minutes away
were his salvation

doctors peeled away
gray sky
silenced the birds

as he slept 
memories leaked from hidden 
places in his soul

he welcomed his life back
with a torrent of weeping

Eva Eliav received a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Toronto. Her poetry and short fiction have been published in numerous literary journals, including RoomThe St. Ann’s ReviewEmrys JournalIlanot Review, FlashquakeThe Apple Valley Review, Stand Magazine, The Blue Nib, Horizon Review, Boston Literary Magazine, Luna Station Quarterly, The Enchanted Conversation, Constellations and Fictive Dream. Her poetry collection, Eve, was published in spring 2019 by Red Bird Chapbooks and her poetry chapbook, One Summer Day, has just been released by Kelsay Books.