John Hicks


Have You Ever Heard a Crow at Night?

It is the business of the crow
to bring us dark as part of light,

then disappear in the gloaming’s
promises of pin point light.

It is the business of the sea
to push back land, raise the light

in the east, and relieve the silence.
The land is louder in the light.

One day when I return to light
in final silence of my eyes,

go to the bluffs above the sea.
You’ll find me there in the light.



John Hicks

John Hicks is an emerging poet. Hhas been published or accepted for publication by South Florida Poetry Journal, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Bangor Literary Journal, The Wild World, Two Cities Review, Blue Nib, Midnight Circus, Poetica Review, and others.  He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from University of Nebraska–Omaha and writes in the thin mountain air of northern New Mexico.