Dehmie Dehmlow


Serving Boat
Serving Boat, Ceramic

Pedestal Mugs.jpg
Pedestal Mugs, Ceramic



Dehmie Headshot.jpg

Artist Statement:

As I construct each vessel I am thinking about configuration. To create layers of proportions, volume and line I collect images of chance scenes, created by the lifting lines and weighty shadows found in the doorways and windows of old barns, sheds and homes. These architectural structures have moved through time, enhanced by aging. Structures of the pots and groupings are built up and broken down, embodying assertive compositions.

Using material and steps in the making process I record marks, shapes and construction, leading the user in and out of each structure. Rhythm is created through the succession of shapes and color found in the profile, opening and surfaces of each pot and set. Color is an activating focal point for dynamism that resonates through the conversation between layers, edges, and endpoints of soft and hard geometry. Vessels take on strong gesture as you move through each configuration of parts. These complicated compositions become approachable and engaging.


Dehmie Dehmlow earned her BA in Ceramics and Pre-medical Sciences from Colorado State University and has worked as a studio potter and caregiver for adults with disabilities and elderly. She worked as a ceramics intern at Anderson Ranch Art Center in Snowmass Village, Colorado for a year in 2017. In 2018 She was selected as the Salad Days Artist in Residence at Watershed Center for Ceramic Arts in New Castle, Maine. After the Salad Days Residency, Dehmie completed a Post-Baccalaureate program at Louisiana State University. This August, Dehmie will begin her MFA at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.