Beate Sigriddaughter



There are people born without rebellion,
gliding lovely through their days, taking
your breath away, golden, like sunrise
sliding over the morning’s mountain.
She was not one of them.

It started early. How could God
waste all these children that lived
unbaptized and unsaved because
their villages had never heard of Him?

Lately she read contemporary human beings
have an attention span of eight seconds
which is less than the attention span
of a goldfish. She wondered how
do you measure a goldfish attention span.

A while back she read it cost the state
a hundred thousand dollars to rehabilitate
one rapist. She wondered who would pay
as much for rehabilitation of his prey.

And so discomfort darkened
her protective mantle of rebellion
over wanting to love almost everything.




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Beate, is poet laureate of Silver City, New Mexico (Land of Enchantment), USA. Her work has received several Pushcart Prize nominations and poetry awards. In 2018 FutureCycle Press published her poetry collection Xanthippe and Her Friends. Červená Barva Press will publish her chapbook Dancing in Santa Fe and Other Poems in 2019.